Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Pretty sure I started this blog back in April and here it is August! UGGGHHH!!! I wish I could tell you that I have made some changes but I haven't. I have made a commitment though!! I called my best friend and we committed to a Back to School Challenge at a local fitness center. It starts Sept 7 and goes until October 7th. Clean eating plan included along with workouts with a crazy trainer, or so I have been told. I am excited to try something that will hold me accountable. I think the craziest part of this whole thing is that the only time Amber can do the workouts is at the 4:45 AM session. YES 4:45 AM!!! Yikes!! Gotta do what I gotta do!! I keep telling myself, its only 12 days to get up that early because they suggest working out 3 times per week. I can do 12!!!

I will post my pre-challenge pictures and measurements as soon as I have them!!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

I am new to this Blog world, but I know that I am one that needs to write down my goals, inspirations, and thoughts in order for me to follow through with them. What better way than to make it public to the WORLD!! Scary, yes, motivating YES!!! I am going to share with you my struggles and triumphs as I embark on this weight loss journey once again. In the past I have lost 104 pounds (yes, all in one attempt) and have put 40 of it back on. It's not the weight that bothers me as much as the feelings that come with it. I am also struggling with eating healthy foods instead of diet foods, so I will also be sharing what I am learning from my Maximized Living doc.
I am sharing with you a picture from my first ever 5K to show you truly what my body looks like right now. I was really in denial until these pictures were posted all over FB that I really do have a TIRE!! This Freak 5K was the craziest thing that I have EVER attempted and my goal is to do it again but in a whole different body. Trading this one in for one that is ready to conquer all 26 obstacles with much more agility and stamina!
That is my amazing friend April on the left and I am on the right. 
Just survived the dumpster dive filled with ice! CANNOT fell my legs at this point! No joke!

My awesome, didn't mind waiting for me, team! I was much slower than I would like to be. Climbing up and down the hills that were very steep in the beginning of the course really tired me out. Not to mention, but not letting it be an excuse, I had just recovered from pneumonia. Yes, middle of summer, pneumonia..UGh!

I also want to show you what my body looks like when I was in the "best shape of my life"!! These pics are mostly from 2007-2009.  I felt amazing, lost it "mostly" the healthy way. I will get into that in a later post. I wore clothes that I never thought possible, had tons of energy, was way more social and didn't have the constant thoughts of doubt running through my mind. Doubts about body image, doubts about letting myself down, doubts of letting my family down, doubts of not doing enough for my husband, doubts of being worthy, etc. The lists goes on and on. My thoughts during that three years of transformation, were thoughts of encouragement, confidence, helping others learn how important health is, thoughts of how I can continue to learn and make my life better. That last thought has never gone away, but now it is just me doing tons of research and not acting on what I am learning. Time for ACTION!

Disneyland 2007- Felt amazing, hadn't worn a skirt in ages! Or if I tried, my legs rubbed together so badly, I paid for it for weeks!

Also from our California trip. When I saw this picture for the first time, I could not wrap my head around it that that really is me!

My 30th Surprise birthday party! So blessed to have an amazing husband surprise with me with over 40 of our great friends and family members.

I think shortly after this, I started losing perspective. I started to believe that I had overcome all of my food issues and then let down my guard. Big mistake! Like any other addiction, Satan uses it to draw you away from God. I know that when I feel my best, I am more able to serve the Lord as He asks me too!

I guess I am going to have to scan in a few "before" pics. I don't have many pictures of myself from 1999-2003 because I would do everything in my power to avoid the camera.

So I guess I need to get a better scanner, not happening today!