Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Pretty sure I started this blog back in April and here it is August! UGGGHHH!!! I wish I could tell you that I have made some changes but I haven't. I have made a commitment though!! I called my best friend and we committed to a Back to School Challenge at a local fitness center. It starts Sept 7 and goes until October 7th. Clean eating plan included along with workouts with a crazy trainer, or so I have been told. I am excited to try something that will hold me accountable. I think the craziest part of this whole thing is that the only time Amber can do the workouts is at the 4:45 AM session. YES 4:45 AM!!! Yikes!! Gotta do what I gotta do!! I keep telling myself, its only 12 days to get up that early because they suggest working out 3 times per week. I can do 12!!!

I will post my pre-challenge pictures and measurements as soon as I have them!!

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